Group Plan

Assignment Due Date Comment Due Date Names Your Roles
  1 Literature Review 02/12/17  02/19/17 Laticia Alexander  Individual Literature Review
Julie Furnish  Individual Literature Review
Nichole Mann  Individual Literature Review
Carrie Reisner  Individual Literature Review
Pam Shawl  Individual Literature Review
The entire group  Write a 5 page Literature Review including 5 
 sources and formatting provided in syllabus.
 Comment on other group blogs
  2 Program Design 03/05/17 03/19/17 Laticia Alexander  Introduction; Table
Julie Furnish  Rationale
Nichole Mann  Rationale; Reflection
Carrie Reisner  Program; Review; Edit
Pam Shawl  Program; Review; Edit
The entire group  Summary table of our literature review
 Comment on other group blogs
  3 Program Evaluation 04/02/17 04/09/17 Laticia Alexander  Reflection; Table
Julie Furnish  Student Response; Reflection
Nichole Mann  Student Response; Reflection
Carrie Reisner  Evaluation; Reflection; Review; Edit
Pam Shawl  Evaluation; Reflection; Review; Edit
The entire group  Comment on other group blogs
  4 Demonstration 04/16/17 04/23/17 Laticia Alexander  Record video 1, prepare video 2, & post to blog
Julie Furnish  Final demonstration
Nichole Mann  Prepare content for video 1
Carrie Reisner  Prepare content for video 1
Pam Shawl  Post to Facebook
The entire group  Comment on other group blogs
Group Leader (s)

As we delve into our project our group plan will evolve as our project evolves.  Please check back to see more details as the semester progresses.

1 comment:

  1. Your group plan is neat. You can add more details as the semester progresses.

